Chatton Village Hall

Privacy Policy

Chatton Village Hall Trustees may need to collect information from you in order to tell you about our activities, events and services. If you hire the hall, we (the Chatton Village Hall Trustees) will hold data about you for booking and invoicing purposes. If you donate as a Friend of the Village Hall or join the gym, we will hold contact data about you. If you provide goods or services to the hall, we will hold data about you in order to arrange receipt of goods and services and pay invoices.

Information we collect

  • Contact information for individuals such as name, telephone number(s), email address, and postal address
  • information provided in hall booking forms, or when booking tickets for an event
  • information provided to us when you communicate with us for any reason
  • financial details so we can make or receive payment from you for goods and services.

Mailing lists

When you sign up for our mailing list to receive newsletters or updates on events at our Hall, we collect some personal information, like your name and email address, which we use to send you the newsletters and updates you’ve asked for, and to maintain an accurate list. We won’t disclose email list information to anyone other than Trustees on a need-to-know basis. You can stop receiving emails from our mailing list at any time by replying to the email with the word ‘Unsubscribe’, or you can contact us by e-mail at the address below. We’ll then delete your information from that list.

Your consent

We need your consent in order to hold data about you. Any forms or documents that we need you to complete (manually or electronically) will ask for your consent and be clear about what the information will be used for if you choose to provide it. There will be some circumstances where we are only able to provide you with services if you consent to providing necessary information, for example, hall bookings.

Use of your information

The information that we collect and store relating to you is primarily used to enable us to provide our services to you. In addition, we may use the information for the following purposes:

  • To provide you with information requested from us, relating to the Village Hall. To provide information on other products or services which we feel may be of interest to you, where you have consented to receive such information e.g. hall events and fundraising or village events.
  • To meet our contractual commitments to you.

Storing your personal data

We will take all reasonable steps to make sure that your data is treated securely and in agreement with this Privacy Policy.

All physical data will be held securely in a locked cabinet in a non-public location, accessible only by designated Trustees. All computers with access to personal data will be password protected. All electronic data held on portable devices (for example laptops and USB drives) will be password protected.

The transmission of data via the internet is not completely secure and therefore we cannot guarantee the security of data sent to us electronically and transmission of such data is therefore entirely at your own risk.

Disposal of data

If we agree to your request to destroy your data, it will be confidentially destroyed in the case of physical data, and/or deleted in the case of electronic data. We will notify you in writing to confirm when and how it has been destroyed. We may not agree to disposal of certain data if we have a legitimate or legal need to retain it. Where there is a legal obligation to, we will keep a record of destruction of data.

Retention of your data

We will not hold your data longer than is necessary. There are legal requirements or recommendations which mean that we will keep documents for a minimum period of time. External organisations may also keep information we lawfully provide for periods of time determined by them. Some of these documents may contain personal data. These include, but are not limited to:

SourceRetention PeriodExample
Receipts and invoicesKept for 6 years from the end of the current financial yearSuppliers invoice, invoices for hall bookings
Booking/hirer information (may include some personal information)Kept for 1 yearHiring agreements
Gym membership and Friends of the Village Hall (may include some personal information)Stored electronically for an indefinite period, for reference purposesContact details
Trustee Meetings and AGM Minutes (may include some personal information)Stored electronically for an indefinite period, for reference purposesAgendas, minutes from meetings, presentations
Trustee, contractor, volunteer information (may include personal information)Necessary information to be retained for the duration of serviceTrustee declaration
Trustee information (may contain trustees’ personal information)May be kept by the Charity CommissionCharity Commission website
Financial donor records (may contain donor’s personal information)Kept for 6 years from the end of the current financial yearDonor correspondence

Access to information

You have a right to ask what information we hold on you, and to ensure that it is accurate and up to date, and to have it amended if it is not. We may regularly ask you if there have been any changes to your data so we can keep information up to date. If you want details of the information we hold on you, or would like to update information that we hold, please contact us by e-mail at